Merryl Streep

White dress by Chris March (from Project Runway!!!) Not my favorite, it's a little Matronly, but age appropriate. Her SKIN, HAIR, MAKEUP and JEWELRY (Fred Leighton Art Deco bracelets) make up for it. Plus, she's wearing Jimmy Choos! Good Girl!!
Victoria Beckham

PERFECTION. She is A STICK, and weighs 2lbs.... yet she looks like A BEAUTIFUL STATUE OF A WOMAN. POSTURE, CONFIDENCE (look at the HEEL!!) PERFECTION.
Katherine Bigelow

The Oscar winner of the night... so congrats first. Now for her "look". This dress was SOOOO tight, she could BARELY BREATH. She was up for EVERY OSCAR category, she sat IN FRONT OF HER EX James Cameron, GET ONE SIZE UP!!!!! She looks like she could be Elizabeth Hurley, and she looks SOOO SCARED... No wonder her hair was left in front of her face like a MOP. A Half updo would be my suggestion. (AND NO RED BAND for whatever you're supporting...FOR ONE NIGHT PLEASE.)
Nicole Richie

This girl is TINY. She is HILARIOUS. Her dress is DROWNING HER. I like it: FOR A DISCO PARTY @ STUDIO 54 IN THE 70's!!! The matching eye makeup, really? She is late 20's and dressing for a Disco Reunion someone from that era would be wearing! She may be a mom, but DAMN, she is dressing like a GRANDMA! Show ur figure now while u can, and save that dress for Oscars 2050.
Paula Patton

One of the most Beautiful women in Hollywood. She is like Halle Berry; she can leave the house with no makeup and she is stil so sexy. (I have worked with her before, and let me tell u... STUNNING). However, her stylist should be strangled. I like orange, its unusal, it attracts attention, (u don't have to worry about ANYONE ELSE WEARING THAT COLOR)... but just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean she needs to be WEARING THE BIB ON HER DRESS! I mean, what the hell is that ruffle???? If you live in LA, or have been to El Coyote Mexican restaurant, the dress looks like it should be on their servers (a Folkorico dancer). The matching clutch is too matchy matchy.... and BECAUSE she is pregnant, her body IS bigger, she looks like America Ferrera in this (UGLY BETTY: meaning Big and FRUMPY).... BLACK or NAVY NEXT TIME!! :)
Sigourney Weaver

Great actress, reminds me of my mom. Classy, but can kick ass. This is age appropriate, her figure is great, length, color, hair, jewelry,....everything is working for her....ONLY BECAUSE I'M NEUROTIC, ( read: A PERFECTIONIST) I would change ONLY 1 thing: The shoulder strap. It makes the top half of the dress too heavy. All the dress needed was the brooch to cinch the shoulder area just a bit more, and it would make the dress a bit more delicate. Other than that: she gets an A.
Mariah Carey

So, this is my favorite person EVER. She looks great, healthy, and happy. Her wight looks great too. Her hair is done, minimal makeup, great jewelry.....and now, I have to critique :( She is at the Oscars for "Precious", and HER STYLIST needs to know the difference between ACADEMY AWARDS and regular day wear. This is what she looks like anywhere: a concert, a talk show, a birthday bash, grocery shopping if she ever did)....WEAR A GOWN! AND THE SHOES ARE SO WRONG!!! Christian Loboutin, I'm all about! slits "up to there?" and "showing the boobs?"HELL YEAH...but i want to see her do something different, REGAL! Hair up, strapless flowing gown... THAT, I would have been "Loving ya long time!"
Tina Fey

Well well... Michael Kors may not be the FASHION KNOW IT ALL AFTER THIS!! He is Americana Sportswear, NOT COUTURE CREATOR. She looks uncomfortable and awkward,..a deer in the headlights!!! So what's with the weird angle of the strap and other side? its like its supposed to be soft and feminine, then he OD'd on Heavy Metal drugs! Is this BLACK LEOPARD PRINT? IS IT SEE-THRU? and her hair is like misguided prom... it just looks poorly put together...Tina is a funny woman, but im not laughing with her on this. Sadly, I'm laughing at her... :(
Penelope Cruz

Wrapping paper, frizzy hair..thats what i see. BORING. No shape. its like she was wrapped around and around by a Donna Karen with a huge roll of fabric, and the rest was left hanging. blah... HOWEVER!!! LOOK AT THE GEM BEHIND HER ON THE RIGHT!!!! SOME HORRIFYING OUTFIT!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE LENGTH DRESS, (gives stubby leg look), and WTF WLTY with those HOT PINK GLOVES??? shoes are horrendous too.... that lady needs to be arrested/shot/put away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julianne Moore

She was in A SINGLE MAN, a film by TOM FORD (WHO IS GOD when it comes to fashion). So why did she leave the house looking like this??? Did she also get the memo to be alabaster white, the same as her dress??? and THE HAIR-WHERE THE HELL IS THE BRUSH!!!!!?????
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